“Going Digital Makes Sense to Me, but it is how we get everyone on board that is the challenge.” – Hayley Solich
Hayley Solich has been reappointed by First Assistant Secretary, Mr Mark Roddam, Mental Health Division of the Commonwealth Dept of Health to the National Digital Mental Health Strategy Advisory Group.
The appointment is for a further period running from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023 in the capacity of carer advocate.
Chaired by Terri Dreyer, Assistant Secretary, Head to Health, the Advisory Group will be providing guidance and advice on a range of digital mental health initiatives being progressed by the Commonwealth Dept of Health and in relation to the Head to Health platform, among other government initiatives in the digital space.
Every step leads us somewhere…the magic is to connect the steps, so they form a pathway.
A word from Hayley Solich
Although I am about to step down from my role on the National Mental Health Consumer & Carer Forum and other representative roles, I will be continuing some carer representative roles and I believe working on getting the Head to Health website platform is a piece of work that I would like to add value to.
“I will also be continuing on the National Register, until such time as they spill the membership. I have not lost my passion for systemic advocacy, despite recent changes. I have just shifted my focus and am going to pace myself a bit more gently, and also create space for my family to move forward as well.”
Hayley Solich